MKMSGF ECause: The value provided for the keyword in the IBMTRDB module in PROTOCOL.INI is not the correct type. User Action: Change the value in PROTOCOL.INI to the correct type for the parameter. ECause: An internal software error occurred. User Action: Contact your vendor sales representative. ECause: One or more IBM LANStreamer adapters are set to a different interrupt level. To function properly, these adapters must all be set to the same interrupt level. User Action: Use the reference diskette that came with your computer to ensure that all IBM LANStreamer adapters are set to the same interrupt level. ICause: The universally administered address of the adapter installed in the computer is displayed in this message. User Action: None. IExplanation: The locally administered address of the adapter installed in the computer is displayed in this message. User Action: None. ECause: The parameters specified require more space for processing than can be handled. The maximum allowable control-block size is 64KB. User Action: Reduce the value specified for the MAXTRANSMITS or MINRCVBUFFS parameter to change the amount of storage required for the control-blocks. The control-block area can be computed using the following formula: 1698 + (190 * MAXTRANSMITS) + (256 * MINRCVBUFFS) The control-block work area must be less than 64KB. ECause: The adapter is not responding to a request to initialize. User Action: Run the hardware diagnostics for the IBM LANStreamer Adapter. Contact your vendor sales representative. ICause: The IBM LANStreamer Adapter is operating at a data rate of 4 Mbps. User Action: None ICause: The IBM LANStreamer Adapter is operating at a data rate of 16 Mbps. User Action: None WCause: Only one occurrence of the device driver statement for the IBM LANStreamer Adapter NDIS MAC device driver is required to support multiple adapters. Additional instances of the device driver statement in CONFIG.SYS will be ignored. User Action: Remove the duplicate device driver statements from CONFIG.SYS. ECause: The parameter specifying the driver name (DRIVERNAME) was not found in PROTOCOL.INI. This parameter is required. User Action: Change PROTOCOL.INI to specify the proper information. ECause: An unexpected error occurred when the program attempted to open the protocol manager. The IBM LANStreamer Adapter NDIS MAC device driver has been removed. User Action: Check the drive and directory to ensure that the protocol manager is located in the specified path. ECause: The device driver was unable to register with the protocol manager. User Action: Reinstall the protocol manager and try the operation again. ECause: There was no adapter found in this machine. AN IBM LANStreamer Adapter is required to run the MAC device driver. User Action: Install an IBM TLANStreamer Adapter in this machine, or remove the device driver statement from CONFIG.SYS. WCause: An unrecognized parameter was found while processing the IBM LANStreamer Adapter section of PROTOCOL.INI. User Action: Correct the parameter or remove it from PROTOCOL.INI. WCause: The value specified for the network address parameter in PROTOCOL.INI is not valid for one of the following reasons: - Invalid local station address - Too long - Too short - Contains non-hexadecimal characters - Not enclosed in double quotes User Action: Remove or correct the network address parameter (NETADDRESS). A valid value for this parameter is 12 characters long, is enclosed in double quotes, and contains only valid hexadecimal characters within the range of 400000000000 through 7FFFFFFFFFFF. ECause: The network address that the adapter wants to use on the token-ring is being used by another node. User Action: Either modify PROTOCOL.INI to provide a different value for the network address (NETADDRESS) parameter, use the default burned-in address, or remove the other node that is using this network address from the ring. ECause: The ring speed is different from the speed of the node attempting to insert onto the ring. User Action: Use the reference diskette that came with your computer to ensure that the adapter is configured at the same speed as the token-ring. ECause: When the adapter tried to insert onto the token-ring, a hardware error occurred on the adapter. User Action: Run the hardware diagnostics for the IBM LANStreamer Adapter. Contact your vendor sales representative. ECause: While attempting to open the adapter, an indication was received that the adapter is not properly connected to the token-ring. User Action: Ensure that the token-ring cable is connected to the adapter and to the token-ring multistation access unit (MAU). If the error persists, use a different token-ring cable and check to ensure that the connection to the MAU is functioning properly. Then run the hardware diagnostics for the IBM LANStreamer Adapter. ECause: The configuration parameters specified require more space for processing than can be handled with the available system memory. User Action: Reduce the value specified for the MAXTRANSMITS or MINRCVBUFFS parameter to change the amount of storage required. The following formula can be used to compute the maximum value: H(i) = RCVAREA(i) + ALLOCSIZECB(i) A H(i) value should be computed for each IBM LANStreamer Adapter and the sum of all H(i) values must be less than 1 MB. The receive area for each adapter can be computed: RCVAREA = MINRCVBUFFS x SIZWORKBUF The control block area for each adapter can be computed using the following formula and must be less than 64KB. ALLOCSIZECB = 1698 + (190 * MAXTRANSMITS) + (256 * MINRCVBUFFS)